Career Training Programs Study Tips for Back to School

Back to School Study Tips - Dorsey Schools of Michigan

Study Tips for Back to School

Are you heading back to school this fall?  If so, congratulations!  You’re embarking on an exciting journey with thousands of others.  For those enrolling in career training programs, they may be a bit nervous, especially if they have been out of school for a while.  Well, never fear!  Our team has compiled some quick and helpful study tips for back to school.  Check these out to get started off on the right foot this fall!

Study Tip #1:  Have a Schedule

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Keeping a schedule is very important, especially if you’re in school.  Having a schedule helps all of us organize our time and stay on track with things that need to get done.

Here are a few things to keep in mind when setting up your schedule:
  • Do you have a set bed time each night? This isn’t just for kids!  Having a set time when you go to sleep each night can help ensure you get adequate rest.  As we all know, adequate rest is necessary to function on a daily basis.  This is especially important if you’re in school.
  • Do you have designated homework time? Setting time aside specifically for homework can help reduce procrastination.  It can also help reduce the chances of anything else in your schedule being thrown off.
  • Do you have designated leisure or family time? As important as school is, it’s also important to maintain good balance.  Consider setting time aside each week to spend with friends or family.  You may also set time aside to pursue a hobby or pastime that you enjoy.

Study Tip #2:  Get Organized

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For those in a career training program, it’s important to stay organized!  Many programs are a year or less, so the pace tends to be quick.  If one is not careful, they could easily fall behind.  Don’t allow yourself to fall into that trap.  Get organized from the start.

Here are some things that can help you get organized:
  • Consider having binders set up for your classes. This can help you organize all of your materials.  A student may have notes, papers, quizzes, etc. from a class.  Without a way to keep it all organized, things may get misplaced.  Some also separate their binders into sections with tabs.  This can help you organize info based on chapter, topic, test, etc.
  • Take notes. Taking notes can help some remember information.  It’s also helpful in consolidating and organizing important info.  Notes can help a student organize important, must know info.
  • Use highlighters. It’s a simply idea, but highlighters can help you stay organized.  Use these to identify important info in a book or in your notes.  This can come in especially handy when reviewing for a quiz or a test.

Study Tip #3:  Set Goals

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Goals can help all of us stay on track.  Make sure you set up goals for yourself.  It can be as simply as a goal grade on a quiz or a test.  Maybe it’s a goal grade for a class?  Regardless, have goals that you’re working towards.

Here’s some helpful info on setting goals:

Set mini-goals. If your goal is an “A” in a class, what do you need to achieve that goal?  You’ll likely need to do well on your work throughout the class.  That said, have goals for quizzes and homework throughout the class.  This can help you stay on track to your overall goal of an “A.”

  • Track your progress. After you set a goal, it’s important to stay on track!  Be sure to track your progress.  If you need to, adjust your plans to make sure you’re on target for your goal.  Tracking progress can also help you stay focused on that overall goal.
  • Celebrate success. Be sure to celebrate success along the way.  This can be a good grade on an assignment or a quiz.  It’s important to celebrate your hard work and what you’ve accomplished.  Be proud and get ready to achieve your next goal.
  • Continue to set goals. Goal setting is an ongoing process.  When you reach a goal, make sure you set another.  As you’re working towards a goal, you may set a mini-goal to help you get there.  As you set (and achieve your goals) you may even find it to be a fin exercise as you see all that you’ve accomplished!

Study Tip #4:  Be Positive!

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We can’t emphasize this one enough!  Someone going back to school may also be juggling things outside of school also.  It’s easy to become deflated, but you shouldn’t let that happen.  Stay positive.  Remind yourself of why you started.  Remind yourself of why you’re doing this.  Remind yourself of what you’re working so hard for.

Here are some other tips on staying positive:
  • Visualize success. Positive people can see themselves succeeding.  You can do this.  Think about the end goal.
  • Surround yourself with positive people. Everyone needs a good support system.  This includes surrounding yourself with positive people.  Have a “go to” person that can help keep you motivated.  You may also be that person for someone.  They can help you stay motivated.  They can also reassure you.  They may also remind you about why you’re working so hard in school.
  • Remind yourself of the positives. Life can be tough sometimes.  But each of us have things to be thankful for.  Don’t lose sight of that.  If you get discouraged, remind yourself of the good things you have going.
  • Remind yourself of the positives each day. Consider taking some time to reflect at the end of each day.  What is at least one positive thing that happened that day?  Making time to reflect on positive things can help you appreciate the hard work you’re putting forth.
  • Start each day with a positive. This may be a motivational quote.  It may be something that reminds you of why you’re going to school.  It may simply be something that brings a smile to your face.  Regardless of what it is, start your day on a good note.  It’s amazing what a good start can do for the rest of your day.

For all those heading back to school in career training programs this fall, we hope these tips were helpful!  All of us here at Dorsey Schools wish you success as you pursue your goals.  Remember that you’re not on this journey alone.  You’re surrounded by people who care about you.  People who want to help you succeed!  So go forth and prosper!

To learn more about Dorsey Schools, you may call us at 888-422-1188.  You may also contact us online.

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