Nursing Study Skills | Dorsey College

nursing study skills

Have you always wanted to pursue a career in Nursing?  If you answered yes, congratulations.  Nursing is among the most honorable professions one can enter.  Before you begin your new career though, you must obtain the proper education and pass the NCLEX.  As a nursing student, making your way through school can seem daunting at times.  Remember, though, you have support all around you.  Your nursing school instructors are there to help you and they want to see you succeed!

Today we have something special for all of our nursing students here at Dorsey College (along with all of the aspiring nursing students out there). We have collected some of our best tips for good nursing study skills and we are sharing them with all of you!  As we mentioned, nursing school can be challenging, but a way to make the process more manageable is practicing good nursing study skills on a regular basis.  Check out our list of nursing study skills below for more info!

1. Remember Your Purpose

Our team’s first tip is to remember your purpose!  You chose to pursue this profession for a reason.  Don’t forget that reason.  There will be difficult days.  There will be times when you are challenged.  That’s okay.  Ground yourself in remembering why you started this journey.  Also, don’t forget, things won’t always be challenging.  Lean into your journey and make the most of it.  You are working towards something greater, and it will be here sooner than you may think.

2. Know Your Learning Style

Our next tip involves knowing your learning style.  Are you an auditory learner and do best when you hear something explained to you?  Perhaps you’re a visual learner that likes to see things on paper?  Reading and writing may be your learning cycle if you do best by reading material and/or writing it to retain the information.  If you learn best in an environment where you can practice “hands-on”, you may be a kinesthetic learner.  Regardless of your learning style, it’s important to be aware of it, and create study tactics and plans around your learning style.  

3. Schedule Study Time, Be Organized, and Don’t Cram!!

Tip three on our list focuses on setting aside time to study.  Make sure you schedule study time daily.  In order to make the most of your study time (and your learning process as a whole), aim to be as organized as possible.  Being organized can help you stay on track with your learning.  Most importantly, our team advises students NOT to cram.  Studying needs to be a consistent and on-going process.  When you cram, chances are good you aren’t learning or retaining the information.  Success in nursing school is not just about passing the next test, it is about setting you up for a successful nursing career, so make sure you take the time each day to study.

4. Reward Yourself!

We’ve said it before.  Nursing school can be hard.  Guess what, it should be hard.  After all, we want to make sure the people getting licensed and working in the field are providing the best possible to care.  You are going to work hard during nursing school, but don’t forget to reward yourself along the way.  Chances are good you have made sacrifices to get where you are at, and you are working hard, so it is okay to be good to yourself along the way.  Aced a test?  Got through a class you didn’t think you would?  Take some time to pat yourself on the back and reward yourself for a job well done.  

5. Remember:  Application NOT Memorization!

Tip number five is necessary not only for success in nursing school, but beyond as well.  Success in nursing (and nursing school) is not about memorization, it’s about application.  In nursing school, you will have the opportunity to develop your critical thinking skills.  This is important because the NCLEX is a test of critical thinking.  It will challenge you to recall the textbook knowledge you learned in nursing school and apply it correctly.  

6. Do Your Required Readings

In order to make the most of your time in nursing school (and learn as much as possible), make sure you do your required readings.  They are required for a reason.  The knowledge you can learn in nursing school can help prepare you for a successful nursing career, but don’t cut any corners.  After all, you can’t cut corners when it comes to delivering safe and effective care to your patients once you’re working in the field.

7. Come to Class Prepared

Our last tip for effective nursing study skills may seem like a no-brainer, but it’s still worth sharing here.  Make sure you come to class prepared.  Nursing school can move fast and each day you have the opportunity to learn important information that will be critical to your success as a nurse.  Don’t miss those opportunities to learn.  Don’t allow yourself to fall behind.  Make sure you’re ready to show up each day and be engaged in each of your classes.  Your future self will thank you later.

Nursing Programs at Dorsey College

If you would like to pursue a career in the nursing field and you are ready to put these nursing study skills into practice, Dorsey College can help you get on your way.  There are two nursing programs offered at Dorsey College for those who are interested in pursuing a career in this field.

The Practical Nurse program at Dorsey College offers comprehensive classroom education as well as hands-on clinical training for those who wish to pursue a career as an LPN.  The Practical Nurse training program at Dorsey College is designed to provide students with valuable knowledge and skills that could help them provide effective patient care in a variety of healthcare settings. Those who successfully complete the Dorsey College Practical Nurse program in Michigan could qualify to sit for the NCLEX-PN exam.

The Practical Nurse program is offered at the following Dorsey College campus locations:

Dorsey College has determined that its Practical Nurse program curriculum is sufficient to fulfill educational requirements for licensure in the State of Michigan only. No educational determinations have been made for any other state, district, or US territory in regards to nursing licensure requirements.

The Associate of Applied Science in Nursing program at Dorsey College is designed for those who wish to pursue a career as a Registered Nurse.  At Dorsey College, students enrolled in the Associate of Applied Science in Nursing program will take classes such as:

  • Anatomy and Physiology
  • Fundamentals of Nursing
  • Medical Surgical Nursing
  • Nutrition and Health
  • Pharmacology for Nurses
  • Nursing for Childbearing Families
  • Transition to RN Practice
  • Nursing Leadership
  • Mental Health Nursing
  • …and more!

The Associate of Applied Science in Nursing program is offered at the Dorsey College Madison Heights, MI campus (Main Campus).

Dorsey College has determined that its Associate of Applied Science in Nursing program curriculum is sufficient to fulfill educational requirements for licensure in the State of Michigan only. No educational determinations have been made for any other state, district, or US territory in regards to nursing licensure requirements.

If you’re ready to pursue a career in nursing, Dorsey College can help you get on your way.  Visit Dorsey College online today to learn more!