3 Habits of Highly Effective Cosmetologists

Skills That Great Cosmetologists Have

What is a cosmetologist and what do you need to know to be highly effective in the field? Cosmetologists work with people to help them style and maintain their hair, skin, and nails, all basic skills that can be learned in cosmetology school. To be truly effective as a cosmetologist, though, you will also need to develop good habits that will guide you throughout your career.

Effective Cosmetologist Skills

A licensed cosmetologist received their training from a state-approved school, studies for and obtains the appropriate license, and then concentrates on the job outlook. Depending on the cosmetologist’s area of expertise, the job outlook is quite positive. According to the US Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment of barbers, hairdressers, and cosmetologists is projected to grow 10% from 2014 to 2024, which is faster than the average for all occupations.a In addition, according to the State of Michigan DTMB, Bureau of Labor Market Information and Strategic Initiatives, employment of hairdressers, hairstylists, and cosmetologists is projected to grow 7.8% from 2014 to 2024.b

3 Habits of Highly Effective Cosmetologists

As a highly effective cosmetologist, you can develop habits that go beyond the basic education requirements. Are you interested in becoming a hairstylist? Check out our recent blog about things clients really want in a hairstylist, These habits for working with clients may provide you with potentially more opportunities as you grow in your chosen career field. Develop and follow these three habits that can set you apart beyond your resume as you exemplify the cosmetology benefits to clients and to potential employers:

Effective time management

Appointments are the mainstay of a cosmetologist’s daily work. Planning your time effectively starts with being on time. Show up well before your first appointment. Be prepared before your client arrives so you do not spend time looking for supplies or tools. Enjoy your work and the time spent with your client, but stay mindful of the time you have allotted for each client. Don’t make the next client wait! They will appreciate it and remember you for your punctuality.

Practice positive customer relations

Communicate with your clients, coworkers, and employer. When speaking with clients, do not use industry jargon they may not understand. Ask questions to be sure you understand exactly what they want and need. Listen carefully when they ask you questions and provide full, clear responses. Communicating well is a habit that can set you apart in your customer service skills.

Keep tools and work area clean and organized

You should learn in cosmetology school that your tools must be kept clean. Develop a habit of keeping your workstation organized in between appointments. The cosmetology industry can be fast-paced. Making sure your tools and workstation are clean and orderly can give you an edge over those who are not as organized.

At Dorsey Schools, we can help you fulfill the education requirements for becoming a skilled and effective cosmetologist. Check out our website at https://www.dorsey.edu/cosmetology/ to learn more about our Cosmetology training program.


Taylortown School of Beauty operates as Dorsey School of Beauty and/or Dorsey Schools (Taylor Campus location).


a) Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2016-17 Edition, Barbers, Hairdressers, and Cosmetologists, on the Internet at http://www.bls.gov/ooh/personal-care-and-service/barbers-hairdressers-and-cosmetologists.htm (visited July 11, 2016).

b) Michigan DTMB, Bureau of Labor Market Information and Strategic Initiatives, Long-Term Occupational Employment Projections (2014-2024) Michigan Statewide, Hairdressers, Hairstylists, and Cosmetologists (SOC Code: 39-5012), http://milmi.mt.gov/Portals/137/publications/projectionsdata/LongTerm_OccupationalProj_2024_MI.xlsx (visited July 11, 2016).

Reviewed and edited 12/6/17